Skyrim Se Alternate Start Not Working UPD
Skyrim Se Alternate Start Not Working >
Alternate Start - posted in Skyrim Revisited (Skyrim): If I choose the crossing the border illegally option is there any reason why the Thief would not be on cart and I watched him getting ran over by the cart entering Helgen Legacy of the Dragonborn - An extension to allow you start as a relic hunter for the mod's museum in Solitude. Death Alternative - Alternate Start Addon - Various options to start as a slave and/or captive. Salmon Shack - LAL Version - Start option utilizing MannyGT's Salmon Shack. My character, sitting down in the middle of the air, wearing prisoner robes and wobbling around the air. As if he was on the carriage to Helgen. I do not know how to explain this, but it almost seems like the real beginning of skyrim and the alternate start have merged. And now I really have no clue about what to do:( can any of you help me
You are supposed to survive the tutorial. The scripted tutorial ends when you leave the cave - at that point - make a permanent save BEFORE adding any mods - then add your mods, run BOSS to get a reasonable load order and, when you have a working game with mods - make another permanent save. Those 2 saves are your go to saves for troubleshooting later problems. Hi,I know that this post wasn't posted like yesterday, but I just wanted to state something (for future googlers on this topic - like myself).I just had this problem and after a few minutes of thinking I tried to uninstall this one mod - Helgen Reborn. This mod caused a pretty. Amusing start sequence, haha.
Redux SE is a lesser-known, lightweight alternative that adds not only a short-stringed alternate start but also its own original parallel to the main quest. The mod essentially sidelines the dragon crisis away from the gamer's critical path and provides a roleplay-friendly alternative.
This issue has been reported on occasion to occur in conjunction with Immersive Armors.Immersive Armors has a toggle switch within its MCM menu that should resolve this problem while using an alternate start mod.
Random Alternate Start Skyrim Not Working Archive In YourMake sure you can start a game using your preferred alternate start. 1e1e36bf2d